Archived photos can be found at our flickr page:
(click on the image for a big screen view)
View looking at the back half of Ivy Stacks. |
Meanwhile at Linden Ave....books are being sorted into the old Ivy Stacks boxes according to size so that they can be easily transferred to the new boxes. |
The first of three sets of fifty-foot long shelves. |
Close-up of the rails buried in the concrete floor. |
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Second set of shelving going in. |
A myriad of bolts... |
Adding the individual shelves. |
The crew at work... |
The new LEO van has arrived!!
The construction HQ had to be moved outside. They're running out of room in there! |
Paul looks on as they work on the third and final set of shelves. | | | | | |
Here the partially-complete third section of shelving is visible. |
View of the completed first section of shelving from the top! All we need are trays filled with books! |
This shows the amount of space between the movable shelf and the wall. Not much is wasted! |
Paul illustrates a safety feature. |
Tyler and Daniel ready the books for the accession process. |
Almost there! These trays of accessioned materials are ready to be put on the shelves. |
These books have been accessioned and are in their new homes!! |
The shelves down Aisle 3 are filling up. |
Aisle 3 from the ground looking up. 33' high and 192' long. |
Aisle 4 L is pretty busy and the right side has some space for yet more stuff. |
Orange warehouse before |
Orange warehouse now from approximately the same angle. Paul and Steve look at one last, lonely pallet to go. |